What is Speech Therapy?
Children and adults can have speech and language disorders which can negatively impact relationships, making/keeping friends, navigating social situations, academics, reading, and writing. Communication requires both speech and language skills. Speech refers to how an individual produces their sounds and how intelligible, to a listener. Language is the words we use to ideas and get what we want by putting a sentence together with the correct grammar or syntax.
Speech therapy can treat a variety of disorders related to speech sound production, language expression and comprehension, fluency (stuttering), and voice disorders. Early Intervention is key to reducing or eliminating future difficulties.

Common signs of a speech or language disorder:
- Does not smile or interact with others (birth and older)
- Does not babble (4-7 months)
- Makes only a few sounds or gestures, like pointing (7-12 months)
- Does not understand what others say (7 months-2 years)
- Says only a few words (12-18 months)
- Words are not easily understood (18 months-2 years)
- Does not put words together to make sentences (1.5-3 years)
- Has trouble playing and talking with other children (2-3 years)
- Has trouble with early reading and writing skills* (2.5-3 years)
- Says p,b,m,h,w incorrectly in words (1-2 years)
- Says k,g,f,t,d, and n incorrectly in words (2-3 years)
- Produces speech that is unclear, even to familiar people (2-3 years)
Reference:, American Speech-Language Hearing Association
We can help!
Proper diagnosis allows for targeted and effective therapeutic intervention. At Sound Mouths, we identify the root cause of multiple problems and develop a tailor-made treatment plan. At times, our treatment plans may include collaboration with other relevant medical professionals.