What is Myofunctional Therapy?
Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) are atypical, adaptive patterns that emerge in the absence of normalized patterns within the orofacial complex. The regular presence of these adaptive movements can often result in a variety of disturbances. (IAOM). OMDs impact the muscles and function of the mouth and face.
Myofunctional therapy will help the patient bring awareness to what muscles they are using to perform the functions for chewing and swallowing; as well as teach patients how to separate their cheek, jaw, and neck muscle use from tongue movements. Myofunctional therapy should actually be called oral rest posture therapy with the ultimate goal to habitualize a correct oral rest posture- tongue resting on the palate, lips sealed, and nasal breathing.
Research has found an 81% prevalence rate of orofacial myofunctional disorders in children who exhibit articulation problems compared to a prevalence rate of 38% in the general population. (Source: IAOM) In short, many children with articulation disorder have myofunctional issues as the underlying cause.
Also, click here to read more on the importance of myofunctional therapy as pre and post frenectomy (tongue-tie release) therapy.

Our goals are:
- To retrain patterns of muscle function to support the proper growth and development of the orofacial environment
- Promote the stabilization of dental and/or orthodontic treatment
- Improve the production of sounds for clear, concise speech
- Enhance a person’s appearance, which can bolster self-esteem
- Restore muscle function to achieve optimal health
Common signs of an orofacial myofunctional disorder
- Mouth breathing, open mouth posture, and inadequate lip closure
- Clenching or grinding teeth
- Low lying or forward tongue posture
- Limited tongue range of motion (tongue-tie)
- Tongue thrust swallow pattern
- Dental misalignment, crowding, and malocclusion and the possible need for orthodontic intervention
- Poor chewing skills or messy eating
- Drooling beyond two years of age
- Parafunctional (oral) habits such as finger or thumb sucking, chewing on objects and clothing, and biting nails
- Anterior placement for t,d,n,l sounds
- These conditions can co-occur with speech misarticulations that have not responded to traditional therapy such as R, L, S/Z lisping, SH, CH, J

Did you know your tongue is tied to your toes?
Our tongue is tied to our toes. The tongue plays a fundamental role in several body functions: swallowing, breathing, speaking, and chewing. This-whole body connection is possible through an intricate network of connective tissue known as fascia. The Deep Front Line (DFL) comprises the body’s myofascial ‘core,’ which weaves deeply to form a direct path from foot to head.

Can you see how a tongue tie, a band connecting your tongue to the floor of your mouth, can impact breathing, posture, and walking? Tongue dysfunction affects more than our mouth!
We can help!
Proper diagnosis allows for targeted and effective therapeutic intervention. At Sound Mouths, we identify the root cause of multiple problems and develop a tailor-made treatment plan. At times, our treatment plans may include collaboration with other relevant medical professionals