Restoring Harmony Between The Body And Oral Function

transform your life with a sound mouth

Helping children & adults reach their fullest potential

At Sound Mouths, we are a cut above!

We have the expertise and the unique skill to connect all the dots and fix the problem.

We take a bird’s-eye view when evaluating each potential patient in the areas affecting speaking, chewing, swallowing,  breathing, and sleeping. Whereas most providers have the expertise to treat a specific symptom, we conduct a comprehensive assessment and factor in all symptoms to establish an individualized plan to remedy the root cause.

Our therapy approach focuses on cultivating a sound mouth, whole-body health, and improved well-being.


For results that last, we treat the cause not just the symptoms.

Get Started in 3 Easy Steps

Schedule An Appointment

Receive A Comprehensive Evaluation

Begin Your Customized Treatment Plan

42882 Truro Parish Dr. Suite 206
Broadlands, VA 20148
(p) 571.989.1190
(f) 888.972.4493